Bristol Chiropractor Alison Archibald DC BCA GCC
Why Choose Archibald Chiropractic Clinics in Bristol?
- No-nonsense approach to your health
- Local clinic with easy access
- Experienced practitioner
- Affordable fees, with introductory offer
- Treatment tailored to you
- Effective pain relief
Relief is at hand from our Experienced Chiropractor in Bristol …
“Chiropractic treatment is the only thing which alleviates my back pain” Yvonne
Our Chiropractor
Having treated thousands of patients over the past 30 years Alison Archibald has been providing high quality healthcare in a warm, caring and friendly atmosphere at the Dowry Chiropractic Clinic in Bristol.
Alison Archibald
Alison graduated from the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in Bournemouth in 1980, convinced by the successful chiropractic treatment she received for knee and spinal problems when training for the Ten Tors Walk. She has worked in the West Country ever since 1980, establishing the Dowry Clinic in Bristol in 1987.
Alison is registered with the General Chiropractic Council (GCC), is a member of the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) and of the Royal College of Chiropractors.
Alison holds qualifications in Dry needling, Posture analysis and Pediatric Cranial qualifications.
Alison also qualified as a Perrin practitioner in Manchester in 2009 and practised the Technique to good effect until her semi-retirement in 2024.
Alison continues to offer Chiropractic treatment at Dowry Clinic on Mondays by appointment.
Alison continues her Chiropractic work at Hartcliffe Health Centre on Wednesdays for NHS patients of the same Health Centre following GP authorisation and self referral.
Start on the road to leading a healthier life getting back to doing the things you need and want to do
“I’m back to work and enjoying my golf again, Thank you!” Stephen
Contact us today to arrange a visit.
From the Team at Archibald Chiropractic Clinics
"Treating the cause, not the symptoms"
Dowry Chiropractic Clinic Established in 1987 – Experienced Bristol Chiropractors